Starting a new job can be tough.

This week is my last week at my current job and then I will venture on to my new job. Starting a new job brings lots of emotions with it… excitement of the new position/opportunity/company, stress and expectations to do well, anxiety of change and meeting new people and fear of failure.

We all try to make a great impression as we start a new job, and I’d like to think that I do (doesn’t everyone feel as though they do??) So, as I venture onto my new career, does anyone have any advice on what to do (or avoid doing) my first day/week/month at my new company to ensure that I make that great impression I am aiming for?

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5 Responses to Starting a new job can be tough.

  1. Jan Wencel says:

    I don’t think this is the kind of advice you’re looking for, but I suggest you not concern yourself with making a good impression. Focus instead on listening & observing to discover where your special talents are needed most.

    Best wishes, my dear. I know you’ll make a valuable impact!

    • kkraynak says:

      That is definitely good advice Jan. You’re always so good with putting things into the right perspective! And I am glad to have that reminded to me before my first day so I can keep that mentality with me and make sure to be like a sponge: listen, learn and contribute to make a great contribution to the success of the company.

      Thanks! 🙂

  2. Hi Kim,

    Good Luck on your new position. I would say…try to learn as much as you can, ask a lot of questions. Identify people within the organization who may be able to help you get started in your new position and can go to with questions. The more information you get, the more you will understand about the organization and the position and the better you will be able to apply that information to perform in it.
    Good luck!

  3. Mike Gruper says:


    I know how you feel. I just transitioned to a new company five weeks ago. It was exciting and a little scary at the same time. My suggestion is to be yourself from the start. Don’t stress about making a good impression. People will be impressed by the real you. Good things will happen if you stay confident and positive.

    Best of luck!

    Mike Gruper

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